
吴道铭, 曹华苹, 沈宏*
华南农业大学资源环境学院, 广州510642

通信作者:沈宏;E-mail: hshen@scau.edu.cn;Tel: 020-28980056

摘 要:

铝对植物的毒害作用主要表现为抑制根尖生长, 而根尖生长与生长素及其运输密切相关, 铝可能影响了生长素及其代谢过程, 但目前尚不清楚生长素及其运输蛋白如何参与植物应对铝胁迫响应。本文通过分析、总结前人研究, 并结合自己的前期研究结果, 初步阐述生长素或其运输蛋白对植物铝胁迫的响应, 即铝影响生长素代谢的相关基因, 干扰根尖生长素运输蛋白在细胞内分布及其囊泡运输, 调控生长素的极性运输, 进而抑制根尖生长。另一方面, 生长素或其运输蛋白又参与了植物应对铝胁迫过程, 这主要体现在参与了植物铝毒信号传递、根系铝内置化过程和减缓铝诱导的氧化胁迫。最后, 本文提出了生长素及其运输蛋白对植物铝胁迫响应的可能模型。

关键词:铝胁迫; 生长素; PINs蛋白; 信号传递; 内吞作用

收稿:2014-04-18   修定:2014-06-18


Response of Auxin and Its Transporter to Aluminum Stress in Plants

WU Dao-Ming, CAO Hua-Ping, SHEN Hong*
College of Resources and Environment, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510642, China

Corresponding author: SHEN Hong; E-mail: hshen@scau.edu.cn; Tel: 020-28980056


The main symptom of aluminum (Al) toxicity is a rapid inhibition of root tip growth. The growth of root tip is associated with auxin and its transportation. It is hypothesized that Al might influence auxin and its metabolic processes. In this review, we tried to elucidate the response of auxin to Al stress by summarizing previously published studies and our preliminary results. It is suggested that Al affects gene expression related to auxin metabolism and its cellular distribution, thus inhibits root growth. On the other hand, auxin and its transport protein are involved in the response to Al toxicity such as signal transmitting, Al internalizing, and reactive oxygen species regulating. Finally, a model is put forward to explain the response of auxin and its transporation to Al stress.

Key words: aluminum stress; auxin; PINs protein; signal transmitting; endocytosis

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